Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Transportation: Medical Transportation Management (MTM)

Medical Transportation Management or MTM

MTM provides free door-to-door transportation for DC Medicaid patients.  A Social Worker has to complete the application on the patient's behalf.

Rides should be scheduled about 3 days before the patient’s appointment.  To schedule a ride call 1-866-796-0601. Each patient is allowed one caregiver to accompany them to their appointment.  Please inform the MTM operator when scheduling your appointment if a caregiver will accompany you.

Website: Main site.  I'm not positive that this is the site for DC patients.  I know this service provider is nationwide and can't find a website for their DC office.

Criteria: This service is only for DC residents with DC Medicaid.

Tricks of the Trade:
  1. MTM gets a 1 out of 5.  They are almost always late.  Sometimes pick up other patients en route, which can create a major delay and the patients frequently complain about the attitude of the driver and the cleanliness of the vehicle. I honestly feel bad referring people to MTM but sometimes that is all there is.
Do you know of their DC website?  Have you had similarly bad experiences or perhaps you've had good experiences   Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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